T180 Rotator Slide Body

Are you ready to turn the tables on vehicle recovery. Welcome to the revolutionary Bozmac T180 rotating slide body. With 180 degrees of movement, ninety in each direction, this ingenious patented solution ensures the loading and unloading of vehicles is a breeze. Perfect for those difficult jobs in tight spaces.

Made to the same exacting quality standards on which Bozmac has built its reputation, the T180 promises to offer greater flexibility to your business operations. The hydraulic system which handles vehicles up to 5 tonnes conventionally and up to 3.5 tonne rotating, is remote controlled to manoeuvre the slide bed into alignment with the vehicle for immediate recovery. You’ll certainly appreciate its effectiveness in awkward retrievals and the ability to minimise road carriageway access whilst maintaining traffic flow.
Bozmac’s T180 rotator can be custom designed and fitted to a wide range of new and old commercially available chassis in the 7.5-13 tonne range.

Stolen Vehicle Recovery
Wanneroo Towing - Bill Street, W.A